If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or a mental health issue, call the Klein Family Harford Crisis Center now.
1-800-NEXT-STEP (or locally 410-874-0711). WE ARE HERE TO HELP 24/7.
Website for the Harford County Office of Drug Control Policy. Features information and links to Harford County services and resources on drug abuse and addiction.
Website for the Office of Mental Health. They work with mental health consumers, providers and community partners in Harford County, MD to create comprehensive programs and services that are recovery oriented.
The National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse site provides resources for those in need of drug abuse assistance and their families. Information includes links to fact sheets, how to find help for teens and adults, questions to ask when seeking treatment, and up-to-date research being conducted in the field. Check out the special sections for Patients and Families, Parents and Educators, and Children and Teens.
The National Institutes of Health's Web site is called “Drugs and Young People”. This page provides links and resources on drug abuse including symptoms, prevention, treatment, statistics and research, as well as information on specific drugs, age specific resources, news, and related topics.
A program of the non-profit organization Partnership for Drug-Free Kids filled with resources for teens to stand up to negative pressures in their lives, including drugs. Offers teens drug facts, how to find help for themselves or a friend, and ways to get involved in their communities to fight these negative pressures.
NotMyKid.org prepares kids to face everyday challenges with courage and confidence. Through our unique education models of peer-to-peer education, we address the life-changing issues of substance abuse, bullying, unhealthy relationships, eating disorders, depression/self injury, and internet safety. With prevention at the forefront of all programming—rather than intervention— our mission is to reach young people who fight internal battles about what is right and wrong and to provide them with the knowledge and resources that empower them to make positive choices in difficult situations.
The Center for Disease Control’s website on the opioid epidemic, including heroin. Comprised of current facts and statistics on the heroin epidemic, links to further reading, and information on overdose.
D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). Since 1983, the D.A.R.E. program has been part of schools across America with law enforcement personnel delivering lessons about peer pressure, drug and alcohol awareness, and more recently bullying and internet safety.
Al-Anon has a website that focuses on teens, called Alateen: “Hope and Help for Younger Family Members and Friends of Alcoholics”. Find links to the Alateen Newsletter, information for parents and more.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has resources that included guide and video supports with ideas for opening conversations with kids about drug and alcohol use, as well as answers to some frequently asked questions from kids.
The National Institute for Drug Abuse parent and educator pages include publications/resources that educators can request free of charged and videos related to addiction science.