Books & Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres, and topics. The ideal convergence of science and serendipity, this online resource leverages the Internet's unique capacity to create, build, communicate, and sustain communities of readers.
An educational research database featuring age-appropriate, curriculum-related content. Explore resources for Elementary, Middle, and High School students.
Mango Languages is the easiest way to learn a foreign language! This online language-learning system helps users learn languages like Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian, Russian, and more. Mango Premier also provides an opportunity to learn languages through film.
Novelist Plus is perfect if you're looking for a good book or read-alike titles for a favorite author. It provides thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles, book discussion guides, and Recommended Reads book lists.
NoveList Plus K-8 is tailored for kids in kindergarten through eighth grade. It offers information on thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles, book talks, curricular connections, and "grab and go" booklists, making it a great resource for teachers, school librarians, and parents.
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Rosetta Stone is an online language learning solution featuring 30+ languages, 50+ hours of foundational instruction, and mobile apps to help reinforce learning on the go. The core lessons build reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.