due to anticipated inclement weather. |
and close at 5:00 PM due to recent inclement weather. |
| Sponsor a LEAP KitA unique opportunity to market your business & support the library!The LEAP Sponsorship Program, made possible by contributions and leadership from NMTC (Northeastern Maryland Technology Council), offers businesses interested in supporting STEM learning an opportunity to sponsor one or multiple LEAP Kits using HCPL’s automated online payment system. NMTC matches each sponsor’s contribution, up to three kits per sponsor, dividing costs per kit in half. With their assistance and while funds last, sponsorships are available from $50 to $200, and are tax deductible. As a partner in this unprecedented program, you receive logo placement on the case of the selected LEAP kit(s), appropriate printed materials, press releases, and online @ HCPLonline.org/programs/leap. LEAP Kit Sponsorships are available on a limited basis. Due to circulation and popularity some kits are available for multiple sponsorships.
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